
Tadworth AC members, Hazel and Roly, training at Epsom and Ewell track

Autumn/Winter 2024/5 Training Schedule

Don’t be fooled by the 20 degree sunshine – the nights are drawing in. As our regulars will know, that means we move to training venues suitable for the darker evenings and a return to track-based training once a month, incorporating our popular mile time trial.

Banish those dark-evening blues, get fitter, run in the company of like-minded people and join us over the coming months!

Road training

Each Tuesday (except the third week of the month) we will meet at one of our popular road locations at Epsom Downs, Waterer Gardens or Osier Way/High Beeches. We will meet at the designated meeting points (see below) ready for a 7:15pm start.

High viz clothing and head-torches are mandatory for these sessions. This is for your own safety and for the safety of members of the public. Head-torches are available in outdoor stores and online. If you need high viz tops, reflective TAC long-sleeved tops can be purchased from the club store.

Track training

On the third Wednesday of each month, training will take place at the track. Warm-up and drills will start at 7:00pm and the training at 7:15pm. At the end of the session there will be the monthly time trial where everyone can run a timed mile and track (excuse the pun) their progress over the season. It’s a fun, inclusive addition to the training.

Please bring along a payment card or £3.10 cash for the track fee.

How the training happens

Thank you to our team of 7 coaches and run leaders for giving up their time to make this happen.  If you enjoy the sessions and are interested in giving something back to the club, please do think about becoming a licensed Leader in Running Fitness so that we can continue to run a full programme of varied sessions. You don’t need to consider yourself a ‘running expert’ to become a LiRF, just a willingness to lead a session once every couple of months. The short online course teaches you the basics you will need. If you are interested, speak to the run leaders or to a committee member.

DateDaySession VenueSessionLeader
18/12/2024WednesdayEpsom & Ewell TrackChristmas running games followed by a Santa Mile Time TrialAlan
26/12/2024ThursdayEpsom Downs – meet by Rubbing House car park9am
Boxing Day social run
31/12/2024TuesdayEpsom Downs – meet at Derby Stables Road11am
New Year’s Eve relaxed run
07/01/2025TuesdayOsier Way / High Beeches2 sets of:
– 6x 400m @3k pace, 1 min recovery.
3 min rest between sets
14/01/2025TuesdayEpsom DownsHill repeatsBrian
22/01/2025WednesdayEpsom & Ewell Track5x 800m reps @10K pace, 2min jog recovery.
Followed by the monthly Mile Time Trial.
28/01/2025TuesdayWaterer Gardens4/5x 2 laps walk/jog to top/bottom lamp post recoverySam
04/02/2025TuesdayOsier Way / High Beeches5-6x 800m reps @10k pace, 2 min recoveryAlan
11/02/2025TuesdayEpsom DownsPendulum hillsHazel
19/02/2025WednesdayEpsom & Ewell Track3/4x 1,000m @5K pace, 2 min recovery followed by the monthly Mile Time TrialIan
25/02/2025TuesdayWaterer GardensPyramid: 1-2-3-2-1 lap pyramid with one minute restMary
04/03/2025TuesdayOsier Way / High Beeches8-10x 400m 1 min walk restBrian
11/03/2025TuesdayEpsom DownsFartlek – TrainsAlan
19/03/2025WednesdayEpsom & Ewell Track3 sets of: 3min @10K, 2min @5K, 1 min @3K [fast, faster, fastest] with 60 sec walking recovery followed by the monthly Mile Time TrialIan
25/03/2025TuesdayWaterer Gardens5/6x 2 laps at 5k pace; jog half lap recoveryAlan

[Updated: August 2024]

Training locations – Autumn/Winter





Epsom Downs

Derby Stables Road, KT18 5LB


Epsom & Ewell Track

King George V Rec Ground, Poole Rd, Epsom KT19 9RY


High Beeches / Osier Way

Beecholm Recreation Ground Car Park, Osier Way, Banstead, SM7 1LL


Waterer Gardens

Waterer Gardens, Burgh Heath, KT20 5PE


Training locations – Spring/Summer





Epsom Downs

Tea Hut, Old London Road, KT18 5PP


High Beeches / Osier Way

Beecholm Recreation Ground Car Park, Osier Way, Banstead, SM7 1LL


Mill Field

Mill Road, Tadworth KT20 7TE


Nork Park

Nork Park Car Park, The Drive, Banstead, SM7 1DN


Walton Heath

Walton Heath FC Car Park, Dorking Road, Walton-on-the-Hill, KT20 7QS


Waterer Gardens

Waterer Gardens, Burgh Heath, KT20 5PE
